Diabetic Footcare

Footcare is especially important for anyone living with diabetes. Diabetics have a greater risk of having problems with their feet which can manifest as dry and cracked skin, sores and changes in foot shape. Once cracks, sores or wounds form on the feet, they are an entry way for bacteria that can lead to infection. This is especially dangerous for people living with diabetes, as slower wound healing often leads to serious health complications.

What we do for our diabetic clients:

Our nurse performs thorough foot assessment and exam that includes a diabetic foot-screen. We then provide advanced foot and nail care by trained and experienced nurse, using brand new sterile equipment only. After your treatments have been provided, our nurses will provide you with advice and suggestions to keep you and your feet in great health.

Did you know?

  • About 1 in 5 people with diabetes who visit the hospital, do so for foot related issues.
  • If you inspect and take care of your feet every day, and have regular footcare by a certified professional, you can prevent many of these problems.
  • People living with diabetes suffer from neuropathy which causes decreased sensation in the feet. Due to neuropathy, or loss of feeling in the foot, many diabetics may also not feel pain in their feet and they may not notice a cut, blister, sore, or other problem. For more information on what to expect from an in home footcare visit, read more here or contact us today to schedule your appointment.
  • It is very important for people with diabetes to visually check their feet and look at their soles every day to ensure that no cuts or scrapes are present. Small issues such as small cuts or scrapes can become serious if they aren’t treated early, so awareness and diligence is of great importance!
  • Nooshki Medical Footcare provides you with a welcome gift that will encourage daily foot self checks so you can stay in control of your foot health!
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Let us show you the Nooshki Footcare difference. Book Us Today Call (226) 996 9799
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